Providing EMS first responders with a unique, simulated learning environment

Training Courses

Revive offers education and ongoing simulation training in skill retention and team performance to ensure team competency and optimal outcomes.

Offering education and ongoing simulation training

American Heart Association (AHA) Basic Life Support (BLS) Course

The AHA BLS course provides the foundation for saving lives after cardiac arrest. Updated to reflect the new science and education in the 2015 AHA Guidelines Update for CPR and ECC, this course teaches basic life support skills that can be applied in both medical facility and pre-hospital settings, with a focus on high-quality CPR, improvement of chest compression fraction and high-performing team dynamics.

The Revive AHA Training Center provides you with the option of taking a three-hour BLS Provider/Recertification course in person or completing the online AHA HeartCode BLS course and attending a skills session in person.

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AHA Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Course

Based on scientific evidence from the 2015 AHA Guidelines Update for CPR and ECC, the AHA PALS course uses a series of unique, simulated pediatric emergencies to reinforce the important concepts of a systematic approach to pediatric assessment, including basic life support skills, PALS treatment algorithms, effective resuscitation and team dynamics. During the course, skills are taught through a combination of large-group sessions with videos and instructor direction, and small-group hands-on stations using participant-applicable scenarios for simulation. Completion of this course will provide participants with the knowledge and skills they need to recognize and manage critically ill infants and children.

The Revive AHA Training Center provides three options for our AHA PALS course: the two-day in-person PALS Provider course, the one-day in-person PALS Recertification course, and the online AHA HeartCode PALS course with a half-day in-person skills session.

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Pediatric Advanced Workshop with Simulation (PAWWS)

Based on the scientific evidence from the 2015 AHA Resuscitation Guidelines and individual county EMS protocols, this course provides EMS first responders with a unique, simulated learning environment based on actual, regional pediatric events. The objective of this course is to bridge the gap between out-of-hospital and in-hospital care and promote continuity for pediatric patients.

Through the use of live simulations based on real, headline-making cases that include high- and mid-fidelity manikins, videotaping, and formal debriefings, participants develop the knowledge and skills they need to effectively manage critically ill or traumatically injured infants and children.

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Advanced Resuscitation Training for Pharmacists (ARTPharm)

ARTPharm is a simulation program designed to provide pharmacists with specific code role training when responding to pediatric medical emergencies. During ARTPharm, pharmacists assess the contents of the emergency medication tackle boxes that they bring to these emergency events and review associated algorithms, preparations and dilutions, therapeutic alternatives, and basic administration considerations for each medication.

The pharmacists then practice team dynamics in a simulated environment where they learn to announce their arrival, set up their tackle box, identify a code team leader, anticipate drugs that will be delivered through rhythm recognition and utilize closed-loop communication with the medical RN who is administering the drugs. Basic life support skills are also integrated to provide additional practice of CPR skills.

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