Who Is Referred to a Perinatal Diagnostic Center?

Our Perinatal Diagnostic Centers (PDCs) provide a wide range of prenatal testing, consultation and genetic counseling services.

Some of the reasons a pregnant woman may be referred to a PDC include:

  • Level 2 ultrasound.
  • Growth scan to check your baby’s growth.
  • Nonstress testing.
  • Prenatal testing for chromosomal and neural tube defects.
  • Biophysical profile - ultrasound imaging of amniotic fluid volume and fetal movement, breathing and tone.
  • Meeting with a genetic counselor to discuss:
    • Prenatal genetic screening and diagnostic testing options.
    • Genetic issues associated with advanced maternal age.
    • A positive result from the State of California Prenatal Screening Program.
    • Family history of physical abnormality or a known chromosomal, metabolic or genetic condition.
    • Multiple miscarriages.
    • Marriage between relatives (consanguinity).
    • Problems diagnosed by ultrasound.
    • Testing for a specific genetic disorder.
    • Exposure to teratogens (substances which may cause fetal defects). These include some drugs or medications, infections, alcohol, toxins and chemotherapy.