While we provide exceptional traditional treatments for Fanconi anemia (FA), including comprehensive disease monitoring, growth factor therapies, blood transfusions, and stem cell transplants, we are especially proud to also offer leading-edge and novel investigational treatments for FA.
Personalized diagnostics and decision making
We are one of a few programs in the nation to conduct diagnostic testing to understand the complete genetic cause of FA in your child, and we additionally encourage detailed testing to understand the full extent of disease in your child’s blood and bone marrow. This information can then be used to tailor our treatments specific to your child, homing in on exactly what care your child needs at each step throughout his or her medical journey.
Gene therapy
If your child has subtype A (FA-A), we offer an investigative treatment that is intended to reverse the root cause of the blood disorders associated with FA by placing an intact normal copy of the FANCA gene (the gene that causes FA in a majority of patients) inside the blood stem cells. The goal of the gene therapy is to enable the corrected blood stem cells to grow normally, thereby avoiding or delaying bone marrow failure your child. We have obtained promising results in both our Phase 1 and Phase 2 trials, showing the safety of this treatment.
New oral medicines
We are studying the investigational use of alternative oral medicines with the hope of improving the performance of the blood cells and preventing cancer. For example, we recently received FDA approval for a clinical trial to use a drug called an ALDH activator, specifically FP-045, in FA patients to test if it can restore stem cells to normal function and prevent damage.
Novel approaches to stem cell transplants
Stem cell transplants (sometimes called bone marrow transplants) are the only recognized cure for FA. We take a unique approach to transplants, including:
Innovative cancer treatments
Fanconi anemia puts your child at a higher risk for cancers, especially leukemia, a blood cancer. While our goal is to prevent such cancers, we also offer the very latest research-driven cancer treatments for patients that do unfortunately develop various cancers, and we closely monitor our patients to be able to treat these as early as possible.
Standard monitoring
In addition to providing detailed disease assessments and monitoring, we make sure to keep a close eye on how well your child’s body is coping with FA and when to advance treatment with standard testing following the latest FA guidelines.
Standard medications and blood transfusions
Sometimes, medicines are given to improve the function of blood cells and help bone marrow cells maintain normal function (e.g., hormone growth factors). Similarly, blood transfusions can be given to boost the blood system. We provide transfusions for families as needed while encouraging stem cell transplants and other more lasting treatments.
Standard bone marrow transplantation
We encourage and provide detailed donor searches for your child at diagnosis to understand potential transplant options. If your child is fortunate to have a matched sibling donor, we also perform bone marrow transplants when necessary and take special care when we extract stem cells from donors to ensure the best results for both your children.
If your child doesn’t have a matched sibling donor, we can use stem cells from other family members or unrelated donors with excellent results through graft manipulation. In collaboration with our reproductive endocrinologists, we also offer preimplantation genetic testing for those families that wish to expand their families through IVF and select for non-FA, HLA-matched embryos to enable potential future matched sibling bone marrow transplants.
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