For Referring Providers

Refer a patient to the Bone Health Program

To refer a patient, please call (800) 995-5724, log in to MDPortal or fax the referral form to (650) 721-2884.

Bone health resources for providers

  • Pediatric osteoporosis overview: Learn more about the definition of pediatric osteoporosis, causes, diagnosis and treatment options.
  • Pediatric DXA scan dos and don’ts: Bone health screens aim to identify risk factors for bone fragility and to determine which children may benefit from interventions to reduce the risk of fractures. Bone densitometry by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is sometimes part of a comprehensive screen; the test measures bone mineral content (BMC) and areal bone mineral density (aBMD).
  • Pharmacological therapy of osteoporosis: None of the osteoporosis drugs used in adults have been FDA-approved for use in children. However, if fragility fractures occur and spontaneous recovery is unlikely, pharmacological therapy is used on a compassionate basis. Learn more about duration, dosing and side effects in our tip sheet.