William Berquist, MD

Professor Emeritus

Pediatric Gastroenterology

Servicios especializados Mary L. Johnson
Pediatric Gastroenterology
730 Welch Road, 2nd Fl
Palo Alto, CA 94304
Teléfono: (650) 643-1832

“Helping patients is what I love to do.”

Mi acercamiento

I got into liver transplantation because I saw a number of children who were quite ill and at the time we didn't have great answers for them. When liver transplantation arrived it was a miracle. Now we can save children that once would not have made it.

This is the friendliest hospital I've worked at; we do family-centered rounds, giving families an opportunity to share their opinions. We've also started a teen transplant clinic to help teenagers manage their own healthcare. It is very exciting to work at one of the first teen transplant clinics in the country.

I truly enjoy the field of medicine; the satisfaction of helping someone get better is so rewarding. I tell my children that they should choose a profession where they wake up and want to work every day. That's the way I feel about medicine. I enjoy doing other things, but I like to get back to work because I love what I do.


Servicios especializados Mary L. Johnson
Servicios especializados Mary L. Johnson
Pediatric Gastroenterology

730 Welch Road, 2nd Fl

Palo Alto, CA 94304

Mapas, direcciones y estacionamiento

Teléfono : (650) 643-1832

Fax : (650) 724-5344


Intestinal Transplant

Liver Transplant

Trabajo y educación


Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, 1975

Últimos años de residencia

UCLA Medical Center Radiology Fellowship, Los Angeles, CA, 06/30/1978


UCLA Medical Center Radiology Fellowship, Los Angeles, CA, 06/30/1979

Primeros años de residencia

UCLA GME Office, Los Angeles, CA, 06/30/1976

Certificado(s) de especialidad

Pediatric Gastroenterology, American Board of Pediatrics, 1990

Pediatric Transplant Hepatology, American Board of Pediatrics, 2006

Pediatrics, American Board of Pediatrics, 1980

