Frequently Asked Questions

Questions from patient families on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD)

Just to clarify–you do not recommend an “intro stage” for SCD?

We recommend “intro stage” only for patients with active symptoms like diarrhea or severe abdominal pain. In some cases we do an intro stage, but this is often individualized. Some need longer intros, others, less so. We use the PecanBread intro stages or the PRODUCE intro stage in most cases, unless there are specific needs like allergies, FPIES, prior food sensitivities.

Is it preferable to do strict SCD for 12 months if you can before you do modified SCD?

Yes, strict SCD for 12 months (at least) is preferred, however sometimes the family is really eager to liberalize. We try to assess how the child is doing in terms of mood, height, weight, and nutrition.

When can weight gain be seen with the SCD?

There is usually some weight loss at the beginning when you are getting started on the diet. By 2-3 months, we expect weight gain along a child’s curve. If weight loss is >7% of baseline weight at anytime, we need to “liberalize” to increase calories and then allow more time to get strict over time. We have had kids gain back 30 pounds in a year after having lost 30 pounds before diagnosis.

How long does it take to see results on SCD?

It can take 3-18 months to get the calprotectin totally normal.

If symptoms improve but mucosal healing does not, does that translate into still needing medication?

That is a complicated question... We treat with the goal of mucosal healing, but it’s a balance between growth, symptoms, labs, calprotectin, and endoscopic changes.

How can you tell the response to the diet if your child is also on medications?

If you start medications and SCD at the same times, sometimes it’s impossible to know which therapy did what.

Is further testing such as food sensitivity testing, allergy testing or microbiome studies required to determine an individual’s response to the diet?

No, we typically do not do food sensitivity, allergy or microbiome studies at this point. Science does not support these tests at this point.

Can we use coconut water with no additives?

All coconut water comes from green coconuts and thus not allowed, even if it does not have added sugars.

Is it ok to use coconut flour or other coconut items for baking/cooking?

Coconut flour, coconut butter, dried coconut, and mature (brown) coconut are allowed! Coconut water, young coconut, and coconut nectar or sugar are not allowed.

For spices, if the only ingredient is the herb—is it still considered illegal?

If the spices are all dried and crushed and no decaking or sugars added, then the spice or herb is legal. It is generally advised to avoid spice mixes as they may contain non-SCD ingredients.

Are bananas with brown spots always preferred or only when symptomatic?

They are always preferred as they contain less starch.

Is date syrup or date paste legal?

YES! Date syrup, because it comes from dates (which are allowed), is also allowed on the SCD.

What ingredients can be used for baking?

Try exploring almond flour, coconut flour, and flours from other nuts and seeds, and get creative.

What kitchen tools do you recommend that are the most helpful?

A blender, a food processor (use for shredding), instant pot, and dedicated nut milk makers. Some families like having a second refrigerator to store SCD ingredients that they buy in bulk.

How important is it to consume a variety of foods on the SCD, and how does it increase the microbiome diversity?

Very important! The fibers in fruits and veggies are the food for the beneficial bacteria that are in the gut and are also consumed via yogurt and fermented foods such as sauerkraut and kimchi. More dietary diversity means that you are consuming more of different kinds of fibers, nutrients, and antioxidants which all work together and in different ways to support gut health and reduce inflammation.

Are canned fruits and vegetables allowed?

Most canned fruits and vegetables are allowed as long as there aren't any additives that are not allowed on the diet.

Are adzuki beans legal?

Navy, white, haricot, kidney, lima, black, and adzuki beans are allowed. Pinto, cannellini, chickpeas, and mung beans are not allowed.

Do you recommend SCD for vegetarians?

Vegetarians can absolutely do the SCD and we have lots of experience in our center with vegetarian SCD-ers. It is important to make sure that they are getting enough protein from eggs, SCD-legal dairy, and SCD-legal legumes, nuts, and seeds. Some patients with IBD may need additional iron supplementation just depending on their medical history and needs.

Can you make the Easy Cheesy crackers with harder cheeses?

Yes, other hard cheese that melts well, like Swiss or colby jack or monterey jack can be used. Parmesan does not melt well. Avoid buying pre-grated cheeses as they often have added, illegal ingredients like potato starch or coloring, thus you will need to grate your own cheese.

Are impossible meat or beyond meat legal?

Impossible meats and beyond meat unfortunately are not legal.

What are easy snacks that can be given between meals?

SCD crepes are scrumptious, especially with added honey and coconut cream. Carrot and beet chips is an easy snack—we have a video that will be posted on the LPCH IBD center website after these series of webinars. Please look on the “favorite SCD snacks” hand-out on—it lists things like olives, hard boiled eggs, fruit and nuts bars, ants on a log, and more.

Which type of pickles are legal?

Any pickle is legal when it is only the veggie and salt. The souring occurs when the bacteria in the fruit and/or veggies ferment and create lactic acid. Pickles that are soaked in salt and vinegar for the sour taste will not have the probiotic properties of fermented pickles.

Is kombucha or sparking water legal?

Kombucha is not legal technically though we have had people who add it on while in remission and seem to do okay... Sparkling water is SCD legal—just be mindful that there aren't added sugars or other non-SCD ingredients. Spindrift sparkling water is one SCD legal brands.

Is non-dairy yogurt as nutritionally beneficial as dairy yogurt?

Non-dairy yogurt will offer probiotics, and a little bit of protein and fat, however it typically won’t be as rich in calcium and protein as dairy yogurt.

What if my child has a milk allergy, can they have yogurt?

You can use almond milk or coconut milk to make a non-dairy SCD yogurt. Make sure to talk to your dietitian and IBD provider to make sure your child is getting enough calcium and vitamin D in the diet.

Can we use lactose free yogurt from the store?

We have not found lactose free yogurt without thickeners like guar gum. Lactose free yogurts also may not have as much probiotics as the SCD yogurt.

The BTVC book states there is an issue with certain bacteria strains in store bought yogurt, is it still legal?

For the first 6-12 months, it is recommended to make homemade SCD yogurt by using a yogurt culture that does not contain Bifidus (this can be found in the ingredients list of a store bought yogurt). Depending on your child and how they are doing, they may be able to liberalize to a plain, store-bought yogurt after 6-12+ months on the SCD—however this decision is very individual. There are some store bought yogurts that are SCD legal, but can be difficult to find. To learn more, read here.

Does freezing SCD yogurt change the viability of bacteria?

Freezing SCD yogurt makes the probiotics dormant, meaning they are “sleepy” and less active. You can make yogurt with some heavy cream, then mix it with some SCD-legal sweetener or fruit and freeze to make a frozen yogurt. The yogurt will “wake up” once consumed and is warmed inside your body, but would not be as “active” or “viable” as non-frozen yogurt.

Does the timing of fermentation affect the yogurt?

The longer the fermentation, the more beneficial bacteria are created. SCD yogurt is richer in probiotics than store bought yogurt because of the longer fermentation period.

The Breaking the Vicious Cycle book states that high galactose levels in lactose free milk (with added lactase enzyme) might be a concern for the liver, and suggests avoiding it. Is this still true?

In general, we are not concerned about galactose being problematic for liver health. In general, galactose is well-tolerated by most individuals. There is plenty in the SCD yogurt as lactose is broken down into glucose and galactose via fermentation.

How do I help my child gain extra weight with yogurt?

You can make the yogurt with half whole milk and half, half-and-half—it is very delicious and creamy.

Are there any commercial yogurts without bifidus?

Dannon Whole milk yogurt and Nonfat Butterworks yogurt

Does making smoothie with yogurt change the amount of probiotics in it?

It shouldn’t! The probiotic content should be preserved, even when blended.