Specialized care for children with microtia and ear canal atresia

The Microtia and Ear Canal Atresia team at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford is internationally recognized for their treatment, education and research of microtia

Microtia and Ear Canal Atresia

At Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford, we have a multidisciplinary team of physicians, specialists and surgeons working together to care for the unique needs of children with microtia and ear canal atresia. Our unique clinic provides child-centered consultation from a team of doctors, including diagnosistreatment and education for microtia and the cosmetic and hearing needs of the child. Kay Chang, MD, and Mai Thy Truong, MD, are both part of the International Society for Auricular Reconstruction (ISAR), a highly respected society dedicated to the education and care advancements of microtia and atresia. Both doctors work as a surgical team to care for your child with microtia.

You and your child will meet with our team to determine the possible therapeutic options and to work with you to develop an ongoing treatment plan. Our interdisciplinary team consists of pediatric otolaryngologists, audiologistsgeneticists and radiologists. Together, we will educate you about your child’s condition and the important role you play in your child’s treatment and care. Learn more about microtia and ear canal atresia by viewing the information below or contacting us.

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Isaiah is all smiles after his right ear Microtia surgery