Instructions to the Male Partner

We carefully time your partner’s visit with your IUI visit to give you the best chance at conceiving. Please share the following schedule and instructions with your partner.

Treatment steps with semen 

  1. For best results, your partner should abstain from ejaculation 2 to 5 days before giving his semen sample.
  2. On the morning of your IUI appointment, plan to have him collect his sample and deliver it within 45 minutes to our Reproductive and Endocrinology and Infertility (REI) Lab by 8:00 am. If he prefers, he can use our collection room in the REI Lab.

Please note: we will ask for his picture identification as well as a legal document verifying his name and date of birth.

  1. At your IUI appointment, we will inject the semen directly into your uterus at your most fertile time.
  2. Two weeks after your IUI procedure, we will perform a pregnancy test to determine if the treatment was successful. After two consecutive positive pregnancy tests, you can expect two ultrasounds to be performed at approximately 6 and 8 weeks of gestation.

As the pregnancy progresses, your will be recommended to follow up with your obstetrician.

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