Conditions We Treat

Pierre Robin sequence

Pierre Robin sequence is a rare birth defect identified by an abnormally small lower jaw (micrognathia) or a drastically receding chin (retrognathia). Because of their small lower jaw, children with RS also have a displaced tongue (glossoptosis), which tends to fall back into the throat and can block the airway. About 80% of children with RS also have cleft palate, an abnormal U-shaped opening in the roof of their mouth, which makes mouth feeding very difficult. Some newborns with RS can’t breathe at all; their airway is too narrow or is entirely blocked by their tongue. Some infants with RS also have difficulty mouth feeding and swallowing and must be fed through a tube.

Some babies with severe RS need a breathing tube insertion (endotracheal intubation) or surgical opening of a hole on the neck (tracheostomy) immediately after birth to allow them to breathe. Others can be treated with a high-flow nasal canula (HFNC) or continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), which pumps oxygen or air into their lungs through their nose and/or mouth or lower jaw elongation surgery called mandibular distraction osteogenesis to bring the lower jaw and tongue forward.

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Pierre Robin sequence and oral feeding

Pierre Robin sequence and oral feeding with the orthodontic airway plate which is administered by Dr. HyeRan Choo, and her multidisciplinary team. This successful feeding session was videotaped just two days after the baby received her orthodontic airway plate.