Su embarazo y parto

Cada año nacen aproximadamente 4,600 bebés en el Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford

Embarazo y Parto

Preparándote para tu experiencia de parto

Estamos comprometidos a hacer de cada nacimiento una experiencia ideal, adaptada a tus preferencias y necesidades personales. Queremos conocerte y entender qué es importante para ti, y te invitamos a conocernos a nosotros. Ven a nuestra orientación en el centro de parto y conoce a nuestro personal de clase mundial. Sabemos que no hay un lugar mejor para dar a luz a tu bebé, y confiamos en que sentirás lo mismo.

Preinscríbete para tu parto y entrega

Inscríbete hoy para que puedas concentrarte en cosas más importantes una vez que estés aquí. Por favor, completa tu preinscripción al menos 6 semanas antes de la fecha prevista de parto.

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Recorrido virtual del Centro de nacimientos de Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford

Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford, el núcleo central de la red de Stanford Medicine Children’s Health, es el único hospital de niños del área de la Bahía —y uno de los pocos del país— que ofrece servicios de medicina obstétrica, neonatal y del desarrollo, reunidos en una misma ubicación. En el Centro Jonhson de atención al embarazo y al recién nacido, perteneciente a la red de Stanford Children's Health, nuestro cometido consiste exclusivamente en proporcionarles a las mujeres embarazadas y a sus bebés una atención que les garantice el mejor de los comienzos y los mejores resultados posibles. Nuestro equipo de expertos trae al mundo cada año a 4,600 bebés, y presta asistencia médica a embarazos, tanto de bajo como de alto riesgo. En este video, podrá encontrar más información y hacer una visita virtual a nuestras unidades de maternidad y salas dedicadas a la atención de embarazo, parto y cuidados del recién nacido.


Come to our birth center orientation and meet our world-class staff. We know there’s no better place to deliver your baby—and we trust that you’ll feel the same way.

Pre-Admission Registration >

Your Medical Rights >

Choose your team

Our world-class doctors and nurses provide extraordinary care. Your care team, led by your obstetrician, will partner closely with you to support your birth plan. Our 100-percent registered nursing staff is highly experienced in labor and delivery, and will give you personalized care and attention. And if you desire, specialized obstetric anesthesiologists will help make your experience as comfortable as possible. Your birth partner is an important member of the care team throughout the experience.

Care for you and your baby

Our Obstetric Care team includes Stanford Medicine specialists in maternal-fetal medicine and general obstetrics, along with nurse practitioners dedicated to obstetric care. Our labor and delivery team also partners with obstetricians throughout the community. Find an OB near you.

Deciding on a pediatrician is another important part of planning for the arrival of your baby. You will be asked to confirm that you have a pediatrician before your little one goes home from the nursery, so be sure to start your search before arriving at the hospital. Find a pediatrician near you.

Support for every pregnancy

Every pregnancy and delivery is unique. But our goal is always the same: to provide extraordinary care. Our Johnson Center for Pregnancy and Newborn Services provides a full range of diagnostic, treatment, consultation and genetic counseling through our six state-approved Perinatal Diagnostic Centers. Whether your pregnancy is routine or high-risk, we provide nurturing care and the very best outcomes, to give your baby the strongest start possible.

Your birth plan

We want to help make your labor the experience you want it to be. We’ll work closely with you to support your birth plan choices, such as un-medicated or medicated labor and using birthing balls, music and other relaxation aids. With your birth plan as our guide, we always strive for a vaginal delivery and only recommend a C-section if your health or your baby’s health is at risk.

  • Labor and Delivery FAQs
  • What to Bring to the Hospital 
  • Birth Center Orientation and Expectant Parents Night
  • Classes and Registration
  • Choose a Pediatrician

Your arrival and stay

Once you're admitted at 725 Welch Road, West building, our staff will escort you to a comfortable room where you'll stay throughout your labor and delivery. The room includes a bathroom and shower, chairs and sofa for your partner, a flat-screen TV with cable and on-demand movies, and free wireless Internet access. A wireless fetal monitoring allows you to be up and around during your labor. We also assess your comfort throughout labor, and provide the type and amount of relief you prefer. Giving birth is an extraordinary experience, one that deserves the best amenities and care.

View our visitor guidelines >

Delivering your baby

When the moment comes, we’ll be right there with you and provide the quality care and comfort you need. While most of our deliveries are routine and healthy, our patients find it comforting to know that if an issue arises, some of the country’s top neonatal specialists are right down the hall.

Maternity and nursery

We do everything possible to ensure you have time together from the start. Your skin-to-skin time is a special part of the birth experience for you, and important for your baby’s well-being. Our nurses, who are highly experienced in caring for new moms and babies, will partner with you on post-delivery care—from ensuring your obstetrician is available to answer your questions, to explaining and demonstrating breastfeeding techniques.

Nursery care 

We encourage you and your baby to stay together in the Maternity Unit.

For babies who need a little extra support, our teams are dedicated to providing your baby with neonatal care that is ranked among the top ten in the country.


While breastfeeding is natural, it’s not always easy. And that’s why every maternity nurse at our hospital is trained in breastfeeding techniques. If you need specialized care and extra support, our expert lactation consultants provide daily breastfeeding classes and individual sessions.

Heading home

Congratulations! Your life will never be the same—and we look forward to supporting you in the transition. Our checklist for bringing your baby home—from car seats, to birth certificates, to newborn visits with your pediatrician—allows you to focus on getting to know your little one.

We also offer classes for additional support. While our Start Strong series focuses on pregnancy, childbirth and newborn care, Your Child’s Health University are online courses designed for parents and their children through adolescence. Get insights from our clinical experts and participate in community health events to learn how to keep your children safe and healthy.

Car seat fitting

With 4 out of 5 car seats used incorrectly, it is important to have your child’s car seat properly installed. Register for our Car Seat 101 class up to 4 weeks before your due date to ensure your newborn will ride home safely.

Make an appointment