Packard 101 Program

Packard 101 brings elected officials, community and business leaders to Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford for an intensive day of shadowing medical and allied health care professionals.

  • Stresses the human concerns of medicine through firsthand exposure
  • Opens a dialogue between community leaders and our clinical faculty

Participants spend one-on-one time with members of our faculty, observing staff and patient interactions as they round with health care professionals in a variety of areas. Participants are encouraged to ask questions and comment freely while accompanying faculty on rotations. Participants also attend speaker presentations that include physicians, administrators and parents.

Participant feedback:

 “It was worthwhile. I was able to learn more about the cutting edge services at as well as the ability of staff to provide the highest level of service to all patients.”
“The Ambassadors, physicians and staff were marvelous and so caring about their patients.”
“The format allowed a dialogue and information exchange that could not be attained through a less 'hands-on' experience”
"The highlight of my day was the surgical rotation. He told us that surgery is 'like watching the sun rise'. After witnessing heart surgery first hand, I understand exactly what he meant. I felt honored to be able to witness that miracle from a just few steps away in the operating room. Your program left me amazed, humbled, and inspired by all that happens 'behind the scenes' at Packard on a daily basis.”

Past participants have included government officials, community and business leaders, and public health advocates.

Learn more

Although by invitation only, if you have any questions regarding the Packard 101 program, please contact the Government Relations Department, Diana Bautista at