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Scientific research is an essential element of Medicine that is utilized to inform optimal patient care. Articles below illustrate research conducted in the Motion & Gait Lab, available upon request.
Rose J, Medeiros JM, Parker R. “Energy cost index: An estimate of energy expenditure of cerebral palsied children during assisted ambulation.” Dev Med Child Neurol. 1985 27:485-490 PMID: 4029518
Rose J, Gamble JG, Medeiros JM, Burgos T, Haskell WL. “Energy cost of walking in normal children and those with cerebral palsy: a comparison of heart rate and oxygen uptake.”J Pediatr Orthop. 1989 9:276-279 PMID: 2723046
Rose J, Gamble JG, Burgos T. Medeiros J, Haskell WL. “Energy expenditure index of walking for normal children and children with cerebral palsy.” Dev Med Child Neurol. 1990 32:333-340 PMID: 2332124
Rose J, Gamble JG, Lee J, Lee R, Haskell WL. “The energy expenditure index: a method to quantitate and compare walking energy expenditure for children and adolescents.” J Pediatr Orthop. 1991 11:571-578 PMID: 1918341
Rose J, Haskell WL, Gamble JG. “A comparison of oxygen pulse and respiratoryexchange ratio in cerebral palsied and non-disabled children” Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1993 74:702-705 PMID: 8328890
Rose J, Haskell WL, Gamble JG, Hamilton R, Brown DA, Rinsky LA. “Muscle pathology and clinical measures of disability in children with cerebral palsy.” J Orthop Res 1994 12:758-768 PMID: 7983551
Rose J, McGill KC. “The motor unit in cerebral palsy.” Dev Med Child Neurol. 1998 40:270-7 PMID: 9593500
Wolff DR, Rose J, Jones VK, Bloch DA, Ohlert J, Gamble JG. “Postural balance measurements for children and adolescents.” J Orthop Res. 1998 16:271-275. PMID: 9621902
Rose J, Martin J, Torburn L, Rinsky LA, Gamble JG. “Electromyographic differentiation of mild diplegic cerebral palsy and idiopathic toe walking: co-activation of quadriceps and plantar flexors.” J Pediatr Orthop. 1999 19(5):1-6. PMID: 10488875
Policy JF, Torburn L, Rinsky LA, Rose J. “Dynamic and static EMG: A comparison of mild diplegic cerebral palsy and idiopathic toe walking.” J Pediatr Orthop. 2001 21(6):784-789 PMID: 11675555
Rose J, Wolff DR, Jones VK, Bloch DA, Ohlert J. Gamble JG; “Postural Balance in children with cerebral palsy.” Dev Med Child Neurol. 2001 44:58-63. PMID: 11811652
Sanger TD, Delgado MR, Gaebler-Spira D, Hallet M, Mink JW. Task Force on Childhood Motor Disorders (Rose J is a member); “Classification and definition of disorders causing hypertonia in childhood.” Taskforce on Childhood Motor Disorders: Consensus Report of the NIH Taskforce on Childhood Motor Disorders, Pediatrics 2003 111(1):e89-e97 PMID: 12509602
Rose J, McGill KC. “Neuromuscular activation and motor-unit firing characteristics in cerebral palsy.” Dev Med Child Neurol, 2005 47:329-336. PMID: 15892375
Butler EE, Colón I, Druzin M, Rose J. “Postural equilibrium during pregnancy: decreased stability with an increased reliance on visual cues” Am J Ob Gyn. 2006;195:1104-8. PMID: 16846574
Sanger TD, Delgado MR, Gaebler-Spira D, Hallet M, Mink JW. Task Force on Childhood Motor Disorders (Rose J is a member); “Definition and classification of negative motor symptoms in childhood.” Consensus Report of the NIH Taskforce on Childhood Motor Disorders. Pediatrics 2006; 118(5) 2159-67. PMID: 17079590
Sullivan E, Rose J, Pfefferbaum A. “Effect of vision, touch and stance on cerebellar vermian-related sway and tremor: A quantitative physiological and MRI study.”Cerebral Cortex. 2006; 16(8):1077-86. PMID: 16221930
Fowler E, Kolobe T, Damiano D, Thorpe D, Brunstrum J, Coster W, Henderson R, Morgan D, Pitetti K, Rimmer J, Rose J, Stevenson R. “Promotion of physical fitness & prevention of secondary conditions for children with cerebral palsy.” APTA Pediatric Research Summit. Phys Ther. 2007;87(11):1495-510. PMID: 17895351
J Rose, Mirmiran M, Butler E, Lin CY, Kermoian R, Barnes P, Stevenson DK. “ Neonatal microstructural development of the internal capsule on diffusion tensor imaging correlates with severity of gait and motor deficits.” Dev Med Child Neurol. 2007;49:745-750. PMID: 17880643
van Doornik J, Kukke S, McGill K, Rose J, Sherman-Levin S and Sanger TD. “Oralbaclofen increases maximal voluntary neuromuscular activation of ankle plantar flexors in children with spastic cerebral palsy.” J Child Neurol. 2008 Jun;23(6):635-9. PMID: 18281622
Sullivan EV, Rose J, Rohlfing T, Pfefferbaum A. “Postural sway reduction in aging men and women: relation to brain structure, cognitive status, and stabilizing factors.” Neurobiol Aging. 2009 30(5):793-807. PMID: 17920729
Rose J, Butler EE, LaMont EL, Barnes PD, Atlas SW, Stevenson DK. “Neonatal brain structure on MRI-DTI, sex and neurodevelopment in very low birth weight preterm children.” Dev Med Child Neurol. 2009, 51(7):526-35. PMID: 19459915
Rose J. “Selective motor control in spastic cerebral palsy.” (Invited Commentary) Dev Med Child Neurol. 2009 51(8):578-9. PMID: 19627331
Sullivan EV, Rose J, Pfefferbaum A. “Physiological and focal cerebellar substrates of abnormal postural sway and tremor in alcoholic women.” Biological Psychiatry. 2010 Jan 1;67(1):44-51. PMID: 19782966
Sullivan EV, Rose J, Pfefferbaum A. “Mechanisms of postural control in alcoholic men and women: Biomechanical analysis of musculoskeletal coordination during quiet standing.” Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2010 Mar 1;34(3):528-37. PMID: 20028360
Butler EE, Ladd AL, Louie S, Rogers A, Wong W, Rose J. 3D “Kinematics of an upper limb reach and grasp cycle for assessment of upper limb motor deficits.” Gait & Posture. 2010 May;32(1):72-7. PMID: 20378351
Butler EE, Ladd AL, LaMont LE, Rose J. “Temporal-spatial parameters of the upper limb during a reach and grasp cycle for children.” Gait & Posture. 2010 Jul;32(3):301-6. PMID: 20558067
Sanger TD, Delgado MR, Gaebler-Spira D, Hallet M, Mink JW, Task Force on Childhood Motor Disorders (Rose J is a member); “Definition and classification of hyperkinetic movements in childhood.” Consensus Report of NIH Taskforce on Childhood Motor Disorders. Mov Disord. 2010 Aug 15;25(11):1538-49. PMID: 20589866
Iuliano B, Grahn D, Cao V, Zhao B, Rose J. “Physiological correlates of tai chi chuan.”J Altern Complement Med. 2011 Jan;17(1):77-81. PMID: 21222533
Meister DW, Ladd AL, Butler EE, Zhao B, Rogers AP, Ray CJ, Rose J. “Rotational biomechanics of the elite golf swing: benchmarks for amateurs.” J Appl Biomech. 2011 Aug; 27(3):242-51. PMID: 21844613
Butler EE, Rose J. “The Pediatric Upper Limb Motion Index (PULMI): A quantitative analysis of upper limb function during the Reach & Grasp Cycle.”J Biomech. 2012 April; 45(6):945-951 PMID: 22304845
Rose J, Vassar R, Cahill-Rowley K, Stecher X, Stevenson D, Barnea-Goraly N. “Brain microstructural development at near-term age in very-low-birth-weight preterm infants: an atlas-based diffusion imaging study.” NeuroImage. 2014 86:244-256. PMID: 24091089
Rowley KC, Rose J. “Etiology of impaired selective motor control: emerging evidence and its implications for research and treatment in cerebral palsy.” 2014 Dev Med Child Neurol. 2014 56:522-528. PMID: 24359183
Rose J, Vassar R, Cahill-Rowley K, Stecher X, Hintz SR, Stevenson DK, Barnea-Goraly N. “Neonatal physiological correlates of near-term brain development on MRI and DTI in very-low-birth-weight preterm infants.” NeuroImage: Clinical. 2014 5:169-77. PMID: 25068107
Ladd AL, Crisco J, Hagert E, Rose J, Weiss P. "The 2014 ABJS Nicolas Andry Award: The puzzle of the thumb: mobility, stability, and demands in opposition" Clin Orthop Rel Res 2014 Dec;472(12):3605-22 Epub 2014 Aug 30 PMID: 25171934
Vassar RL, Rose J. “Motor systems and postural instability.” Handb Clin Neurol. 2014 125:237-51. PMID: 25307579
Rha DW, Cahill-Rowley K, Young L, Torburn L, Stephenson K, Rose J. “Biomechanical and clinical correlates of swing-phase knee flexion in individuals with spastic cerebral palsy and flexed-knee gait” Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2015 Mar;96(3):511-7. Epub 2014 Oct 31 PMID: 25450128
Vassar R, Barnea-Goraly N, Rose J. “Identification of neonatal white matter on DTI: Influence of more inclusive thresholds for atlas segmentation.” PLoS ONE 2014 Dec 15;9(12):e115426 PMID: 25506943
Rose J, Vassar R. “Movement Disorders due to Bilirubin Toxicity.” In: Vk Bhutani, R.Wong (eds) Bilirubin Induced Neurological Dysfunction. Semin Fetal Neonatal Med. 2015 Feb;20(1):20-25.. Epub 2014 Dec 16. Review. PMID: 25524299
Rose J, Vassar R, Cahill-Rowley K, Hintz SR, Stevenson DK. “Neonatal biomarkers of inflammation: correlates of neurodevelopment and gait in preterm children 18-22 months of age.” 2015. Am J Perinatol, July 24 [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 26212060
Rha DW, Cahill-Rowley K, Young J, Torburn L, Stephenson K, Rose J. “Biomechanical and clinical correlates of stance-phase knee flexion in cerebral palsy.” 2015 Phys Med Rehab, 2015 [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 26079863
Rose J, Cahill-Rowley K, Vassar R, Yeom KW, Stecher X, Stevenson DK, Hintz SR, Barnea-Goraly N. “Neonatal brain microstructure correlates of neurodevelopment and gait in preterm children: an MRI and DTI study” Pediatric Research, 2015 In Press
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