
We use the latest high-resolution imaging technology to accurately diagnose injuries or diseases in children. Our goal is to diagnose your child’s condition as quickly, conveniently, and safely as possible.

The latest imaging technology, designed specifically for kids

Our radiology team uses the latest imaging technology and techniques to capture images with a level of detail, clarity, and speed never before possible. This ultimately helps our radiologists quickly and accurately diagnose your child’s condition.

Low-dose and radiation-free imaging

Our goal is to minimize or eliminate your child’s radiation exposure. We use procedures that we developed that both eliminate radiation exposure and improve our diagnostic capabilities. For example, we recently developed a way to test for vesicoureteral reflux, a kidney condition that impacts up to 10 percent of children, without radiation. We also pioneered the use of PET/MRI instead of PET/CT scans in pediatrics, minimizing our patients’ exposure to radiation, eliminating the need for separate appointments, and providing more accurate diagnoses and treatment options. In addition, we participate extensively in the Image Gently campaign, which seeks to reduce radiation exposure in pediatric imaging nationwide.

A team and facility focused on your child

Our entire imaging facility and team are designed to help your child successfully complete an imaging examination. Our equipment ensures a safe, comfortable environment for your child while providing our team with high-resolution images. Child Life specialists can help your child understand what will happen during an examination and can assist your child with completing the examination. Dedicated pediatric anesthesiologists provide a full range of services, as required.

Family-centered care

We want to work with you and your family to ensure that your child receives the best possible care. Our goal is to make sure your family has all of the information and resources you and your child need to prepare for your child’s appointment.

VR anatomical images make surgery safer.

Learn how they help