Many people go on a diet to lose a few extra pounds, but for some people dieting turns into an eating disorder. Researchers aren't sure why this happens. Find out more about eating disorders by taking this quiz.
1. A person with an eating disorder isn't trying hard enough to eat right.
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An eating disorder is a real illness. It is not about lacking the will to eat right.
2. The 3 main types of eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder.
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These disorders are marked by extremes in eating. A person with an eating disorder may greatly cut back on the amount of food he or she eats. Or the person may eat large amounts of food and then force himself or herself to vomit, over-exercise, or take laxatives to get rid of the extra food. Or the person may greatly overeat and not purge the food.
3. About the same number of boys and girls get anorexia nervosa.
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Girls are much more likely than boys to get anorexia. In fact, anorexia nervosa occurs 3 times more often in females than in males. Binge-eating disorder affects twice as many females as it does males.
4. Older adults are more likely than teens to get an eating disorder.
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Teens and young adults are more likely to develop an eating disorder than children or older adults.
5. People with anorexia nervosa see themselves as overweight even though they are dangerously thin.
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People with anorexia are obsessed with being thin. They often develop peculiar eating habits. They may pick out just a few foods to eat. Or they may eat foods in small quantities or carefully weigh foods. They may use diet pills and laxatives to lose weight. They check their weight over and over again. They often exercise more than normal to control their weight.
6. Like those with anorexia, people with bulimia become very thin.
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People with bulimia usually are of normal weight. Like those with anorexia, people with bulimia are afraid of gaining weight. They feel very unhappy with their body. They may use diet pills and laxatives to lose weight. But they don't lose a great deal of weight because they overeat (binge) and then purge. An example of purging may be vomiting food on purpose to get rid of it.
7. People with binge-eating disorder feel out of control during a binge episode.
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Binge-eating means eating a large amount of food within a certain period of time. Many binge-eaters eat alone because they are embarrassed at how much food they are eating. They eat even when they are not hungry. They often eat until uncomfortably full. Binge-eaters do not purge after overeating. They tend to be overweight.
8. People with eating disorders often don't know they are ill or they hide their condition.
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Because of this, they may not get treatment. Family members or close friends who see the problem can encourage the person to get help. They can offer support during treatment. Treatment for anorexia includes restoring the lost weight and easing the psychological distress that often caused the weight loss. This distress includes low self-esteem, poor body image, and problems interacting with others. Treatment for bulimia and binge-eating disorder includes eating regular meals and getting nutrition advice. Healthcare providers can also treat any underlying mood or anxiety disorders. Medicines may also be needed.
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