Don't sit too close to the TV. Don't watch TV without a light on in the room. Don't use over-the-counter eyedrops. Are these statements true? Find out by taking the following quiz.
1. Sitting too close to the television will harm your eyes.
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This is one of the biggest myths, eye experts say. Sitting too close to the TV does not make vision worse.
2. If I see well, then I don't need eye checkups.
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Many eye conditions do not affect central (“seeing”) vision until late in the disease. Regular eye exams, especially if you have diabetes or a family history of eye disease, are important to detect problems before your central vision is affected.
3. Watching television in the dark can damage your eyes.
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The eye is like a video camera; it adjusts to the light.
4. You can harm your eyes if you wear drugstore glasses for reading.
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Doctors say that reading glasses purchased over the counter won't do any harm and may solve your problem, as long as that problem is simply the inability to read that often accompanies aging. If you have other problems, such as the inability to focus on distant objects, these glasses won't help. The experts advise you to get an eye exam when any vision problem appears.
5. The darker the better when it comes to sunglasses.
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You need sunglasses that block ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Dark sunglasses without UV protection may be dangerous, eye experts say. The pupil dilates to adjust to the lack of light, and this allows the eye to absorb rays that may lead to cataracts and could damage the retina.
6. Many people suffer from eyestrain after using computers.
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But eyestrain is usually a combination of tension in the muscles and drying out of the surface of the eyes from staring and not blinking. When we work, we often furrow our brow, hold our heads tense, and stress neck muscles. We blink less frequently, so the eye surface dries out. To alleviate strain, take a break every few minutes. Get your eyes off the screen and roll your head around a bit to stretch the muscles. You may want to use artificial tears if your eyes are very dry.
7. Eye exercises are a good way to strengthen your eyes.
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Eye exercises don't improve how well you see. Your vision—no matter how good or bad it may be—is likely inherited.
8. Safety goggles are necessary only for workers whose jobs require them to deal with hazardous machinery.
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Many people have lost vision when hit by a nail deflected by an indirect blow from a hammer. You should wear goggles when using a hammer or other household tools, such as drills and jigsaws.
9. Cataracts cause vision to deteriorate rapidly with age.
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Some people show up at the eye doctor's complaining that they just lost the sight in one eye, particularly if the cataract is worse in one eye. But changes from normal cataracts develop slowly over a course of years. The patient unknowingly compensates with the better eye and may not notice the gradual decrease in vision or change in color perception until it is significant.
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