How Much Do You Know About Seizures?

A seizure is an uncontrolled electrical discharge from brain cells that causes mental and physical symptoms. Epilepsy is a group of chronic conditions in which a person has unprovoked, recurring seizures. Find out more about epilepsy and seizures by taking this quiz, based on information from the Epilepsy Foundation.

1. Although the characteristics of a seizure may differ from person to person, seizures are caused by the same thing:
2. Seizures can be caused by:
3. Epilepsy is most likely to begin in which age group?
4. A person with epilepsy needs how much extra sleep a night?
5. In some states, if you have epilepsy, you can get a driver's license only if:
6. Although exercise is good for people with epilepsy, some sports are not appropriate. Which of these is/are not?
7. Alcohol can be dangerous for a person with epilepsy because:
8. How does a health care provider diagnose epilepsy?
9. Which is the most common treatment for epilepsy?