Procedures and Treatments

Fetal therapy is a rapidly developing science. Our Fetal and Pregnancy Health Program experts are at the forefront of this knowledge. We participate in ongoing research projects involving standardization and optimization of prenatal imaging through the North American Fetal Therapy Network (NAFTNet). This is an association of fetal centers in the United States and Canada with expertise in multidisciplinary care and interventions for complex fetal disorders, and members collaborate to advance care and improve outcomes.

Also, we are one of only nine hospitals in the U.S. that are participating in the Renal Anhydramnios Fetal Therapy (RAFT) ground-breaking trial. The goal is to determine the feasibility, safety, and success of serial amnioinfusions for bilateral fetal renal agenesis or early-onset fetal renal failure.

Treatments we offer, at a glance

Some rare and severe conditions may require specialized treatment and maternal-fetal surgery even before the baby is born. Our Fetal and Pregnancy Health team of experts can provide the most advanced therapy for the mother and fetus: