Services for Patients With Sickle Cell Disease

Comprehensive care for sickle cell disease

During your first visit with us, your child will receive a comprehensive exam by a pediatric hematologist. You’ll also meet with a dedicated clinical care team, including nursing and social work. We bring in a wide range of pediatric specialists, including:

When you leave, you’ll have a clear care plan in hand, complete with a follow-up appointment to begin your ongoing care. We will see your child quarterly for health maintenance exams and for appointments in between as needed. By developing long-term relationships with our patients, and bringing multiple specialists to your child’s appointment, we can provide complete, convenient care. Pair this service with our experience and ability to offer both tried-and-true and innovative treatments, and your child will be getting the best possible care, tailored to their needs.

Ongoing medical management for sickle cell disease

We partner with you over the course of your child’s life and as he or she grows into adulthood. Your child’s care is coordinated by a knowledgeable team that serves as your go-to contact and connects you with the rest of our care team for evaluation, treatment, education sessions, and social services.

Convenient, accessible care for sickle cell disease

Day or night, we are here for you whenever you have a concern. Our sickle cell disease experts are available for in-person and virtual visits. We’re part of a regional network of providers to ensure 24/7 access and care, and we bring multiple specialists to you in one appointment to help you avoid missing work or your child missing school.

Parent education sessions

You are your child’s main caregiver, so our sickle cell disease–trained staff spend ample time ensuring that you understand how to best care for your child. Our team empowers you to recognize early-warning signs of a sickle cell crisis, such as fever or an enlarged spleen, through one-on-one care trainings. We provide guidance on healthy lifestyle habits that minimize stress, improve nutrition, and promote fitness.

Social services and family support for sickle cell disease

We understand that caring for a child with sickle cell disease can be challenging. Our dedicated social workers partner with you on a variety of needs, including helping you understand sickle cell disease and learn how to cope with care demands. They also help coordinate individual learning plans with your child’s school and workplace accommodations for your working teen. Our social workers introduce you to other families who are experiencing sickle cell disease, connect you with community resources, and support you with any other needs that arise.

Adolescent-to-adult transition support for sickle cell disease

It’s vital that teens with sickle cell disease learn how to manage their own care so that they maintain good health. That’s why we empower preteens and teens to progressively take charge of their care, understand their condition, and grasp the importance of consistent care. Some members of our care team work with both children and adults, promoting a smooth transition for your older child to adult care. When the time comes, we enable an easy transition to adult hematology care.