Test your knowledge of depression by taking this quiz.
1. Which of these behaviors is a symptom of depression?
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This loss of interest usually causes problems with sleeping and eating. Brief periods of depressed mood are normal.
2. Depression can occur at which age?
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Depression can occur as early as childhood. The most common ages for depression are from 30 to 50. Symptoms of the disease can occur at any age, though, and should be treated by a health care professional.
3. A major cause of depression in women is:
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Some research says more women than men have depression because of certain stresses that many women face. These include major responsibilities at home and work, single parenthood, and caring for children and aging parents. How these factors may affect women isn't yet fully understood. All people have stress. In women hormones may affect how they handle the stress. Just as in men, hormones may raise the risk for heart attack in the face of stress.
4. Which of these should you avoid if you're depressed?
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Put them off until your depression lifts.
5. Which of these are signs your depression is serious enough to need professional help?
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Seek help if you have any of these problems for more than 2 weeks.
6. How should you respond to a depressed person?
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Ask what is wrong if someone seems depressed. Be a sounding board. It may help the person figure out what started the depression.
7. Which of these things will do more harm than good when you're trying to help a depressed person?
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Instead of trying to solve the person’s problems, do active listening. Acknowledge what the person is saying without judging him or her. Encourage the person to talk about experiences that he or she enjoys. Let the person know that he or she is important to you.
8. Proper nutrition may improve your state of mind. Which of these vitamins may help ease depressed moods?
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L-tyrosine is also helpful. It is an amino acid that converts to norepinephrine in the body.
9. Depression and other mood disorders cost the U.S. how much in lost work time?
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Serious mental illness has a significant impact on the U.S. and costs more than $193 billion a year in lost earnings.
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