What Do You Know About Sleep?

Sleep is as important as the food you eat and the air you breathe. Find out more about sleep by taking this quiz.

1. Infants need about how many hours of sleep in 24 hours?
2. Each night when you sleep, you move through several stages. How long does a complete sleep cycle take?
3. A person who is awakened in the middle of the night by a telephone call may have trouble remembering the conversation the next day. Which is the most likely explanation for this?
4. A sleep disorder called sleep apnea can prevent a person from getting the rest he or she needs. Sleep apnea also has been linked to which of these serious health risks?
5. People with sleep apnea must wake up to breathe. How many times during the night do they wake up?
6. Which of the following can help prevent snoring?
7. Which of these lifestyle factors can affect the quality of your sleep?
8. Studies show that teenagers should get 8.5 to 9 hours of sleep nightly. How many do they typically get?
9. Which of these will help promote better sleep?