The amount of discomfort after surgery depends on the type of surgery done. Some typical discomforts include:
Nausea and vomiting from general anesthesia
Soreness in the throat. This can happen if the child had a breathing tube in place for a ventilator during the surgery. A ventilator helps with breathing.
Soreness and swelling around the incision site
Restlessness and sleeplessness
Constipation and gas
Sometimes complications can occur after surgery. Here are some possible complications:
Shock. Shock is a dangerous drop in blood flow throughout the body. Shock most often appears as low blood pressure.
Bleeding. Blood loss from the site of surgery can lead to shock.
Wound infection. An infection can happen when bacteria enter the incision site. Infections can delay healing.
Lung problems. A lack of deep breathing during surgery can lead to lung problems. Your child's doctor may recommend deep-breathing exercises to help keep the lungs healthy after surgery.
Urinary problems. Your child may not be able to empty his or her bladder after surgery. This is caused by the anesthesia. This problem usually goes away soon.
Reaction to anesthesia. Although rare, reactions to anesthesia do occur.
Treatment will depend on your child’s symptoms, age, and general health. It will also depend on how severe the condition is.
How likely complications happen varies with each child and with each surgery. Ask your child's healthcare provider if you need more information.
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