Macrodactyly (Large Finger)

What is macrodactyly?

Patients with macrodactyly have a finger or toe that is much larger than the others, due to the nerves, fat, and skin of the affected finger or toe growing faster than normal. Macrodactyly is present at birth (congenital), but it is not inherited. Hands are more often affected than feet. Usually only one hand or one foot is involved, but the condition often affects more than one finger or toe.

How is macrodactyly diagnosed?

Macrodactyly is usually diagnosed soon after birth, but sometimes it may not become apparent until later in infancy as the affected fingers or toes grow faster than their neighbors. Your baby’s doctor will perform diagnostic tests to show which tissues are enlarged.

How is macrodactyly treated?

Surgery is usually recommended to help make the width and length of the affected fingers or toes closer to normal, improving appearance and function. Surgery needs to be planned carefully so that doctors can accurately resize the affected fingers or toes and allow them to grow at the same rate as the rest of the hand or foot.