Conditions We Treat

Our PACT (Pediatric Advanced Cardiac Therapies) team is among the most experienced in the nation and can treat a very wide range of heart conditions. Some of the more common conditions we treat in our program are listed below.

Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Dilated cardiomyopathy is a progressive chronic disease due to abnormalities of the heart muscle that cause the heart to become unusually weak and enlarged, making it difficult for the heart to pump blood efficiently to the rest of the body. Learn more about how we treat cardiomyopathy at Stanford Children’s Health.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy occurs when the heart muscle becomes unusually thickened, usually as a result of a genetic condition. We have a program dedicated to caring for children with HCM, and our center is recognized by the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Association as a center of excellence for HCM.

Congestive heart failure. Congestive heart failure occurs when the heart can no longer keep up with the blood flow needs of the body. This can be the result of cardiomyopathy or may be a complication of some types of congenital heart disease. Heart failure results in hospitalization for more than 15,000 children in the United States each year, and 500 of these seek heart transplant.

Congenital heart disease. Most forms of congenital heart disease can be treated with a combination of medications, surgeries, and catheterization procedures. In a small number of children with congenital heart disease, these treatments are inadequate, and heart failure develops. Treating this form of heart failure requires an experienced and dedicated team to achieve the best outcomes, since the treatment choices are often quite complex. This is particularly the case for children who have single ventricle forms of congenital heart disease. Our PACT team is exceptionally experienced in this area and can provide the most appropriate treatment for your child. We have considerable experience treating children and young adults with heart failure due to single ventricles, including VAD (artificial heart pumps) and heart transplantation as options when needed. Learn more about how we treat congenital heart disease at Stanford.