Research and Innovation

In our effort to provide the very latest, exceptional care to individuals with neurological conditions on their reproductive journey, our care team conducts novel research on various neurological conditions in pregnancy. We often are a part of multicenter research studies, bringing the very latest clinical trials to our patients.

We work with national and worldwide organizations to develop national guidelines and standards of care. One such organization is the Epilepsy in the Childbearing Ages through Menopause Consortium (ECAM). As a global leader in ECAM, our epileptologist oversaw the Neurodevelopmental Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs (NEAD) and the Maternal Outcomes and Neurodevelopmental Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs (MONEAD) studies, which resulted in multiple publications that provided new information on management of epilepsy during pregnancy, such as the identification of anti-seizure medications that pose a risk for the fetus, resulting in improved care for our patients.

Research studies

The following are recently completed and published research studies on neurology and pregnancy from our care team:

Ask your obstetrician for a referral if you are seeking an evaluation from our Pregnancy Neurology Program.