Placental Disorders Research

Our Program in Placental Disorders doctors are also faculty members at Stanford Medicine, and these dedicated physician-scientists work to improve patient outcomes through research.

Our research includes investigating why some women have placental attachment disorders and others do not. For example, some women may have uterine scars that put them at higher risk for having a placental disorder, but one does not develop. Other women develop a problem but have no apparent risk factors. Another example is our work using California databases on maternal and newborn outcomes to try to understand why women with twins have more instances of accreta.

As a patient, you can consent for your blood samples, your placental and uterine tissue specimens, and your medical records to be used in our strictly confidential research efforts. This collection of samples and data will be used to help identify risk factors for placental disorders in future research, with the goal of understanding why placental disorders occur and hopefully reducing their occurrence. In this way, you can contribute to our understanding of the condition and potentially help other women in your situation.