In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Lab

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The In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Lab at Stanford Medicine’s Fertility and Reproductive Health Services is key to our mission to help patients through the journey of becoming parents. For those struggling to conceive or those who want to retain their reproductive material for later use, we make sure that sperm, eggs and embryos are well taken care of, and we use the most advanced technologies to grow embryos before they’re implanted into a uterus.

The College of American Pathologists (CAP)-accredited lab provides patients with the most cutting-edge technology and an extremely experienced team of experts who have overseen thousands of successful cycles. Our IVF team has been instrumental in developing the technologies that have helped make IVF possible for patients who need assistance having a child.

The IVF lab is home to:

  • One of the most experienced lab teams in the field of IVF. Many fertility specialists on our team have decades of experience which will translate in better outcomes for you.
  • Staff members who are dual board certified in their fields, which means they have special training in more than one area. This goes above and beyond state and federal requirements.
  • The largest LifeAire air filtration system of its type in the world, an important tool in keeping embryos safe by protecting them from harmful air pollutants. This is good news for you if you are pursuing this fertility option.
  • 24/7 continuous monitoring of all lab equipment, including temperature measurements, the amount of volatile organic compounds in the air, incubator gas levels and humidity, among many others.
  • Real-time location systems on each person who enters the lab. Our lab is the only one in the world with this system so we can keep your embryo/s and genetic material more secure.
  • A high-tech communication system with patients like you through the patient portal.
  • Cryogenic tanks to freeze gametes and embryos for those who have procedures that may make them unable to have children, including cancer patients, and trans and gender-nonconforming patients.
  • Double monitoring of cryogenic tanks and emergency generators to prevent the loss of frozen sperm, eggs or embryos.