Research & Innovation

Groundbreaking diagnostic and treatment options

The directors of the Esophageal Disorders Clinic, James Wall, MD and William Berquist, MD are at the forefront of research into groundbreaking diagnostic and treatment options for esophageal and motility disorders. As a patient at the clinic, your child will have access to new treatments and clinical trials that may not be available at other institutions.

James Wall’s research focuses on new methods of performing surgery in the least invasive way possible, usually through endoscopic procedures (procedures that are performed through the mouth). He and his team were the first to perform a peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) procedure at a children’s hospital in North America. They have also done research into using endoscopic surgery to break up webs that have developed in the intestines and safely repair fistulas. Dr. Wall’s research includes using EsoFlip technology to treat achalasia in children.

William Berquist has conducted research into endoscopy as well. His research has included motility disorders in the esophagus and gastrointestinal tract and gastroesophageal reflux. Dr. Berquist has also done groundbreaking work in transplantation of the intestines and the liver.

Maheen Hassan specializes in neurogastroenterology and motility. Her research has included the use of EndoFlip to monitor the compliance of the esophagus in patients with eosinophilic esophagitis. She is currently working on the use of virtual modules to teach diaphragmatic breathing to patients with constipation due to withholding.